RK Non-Return (Check) Valves

RK non-return (check) valves

GESTRA's RK (wafer-type) non-return valves are for sandwiching between flanges. 

The valve has a spring to allow installation in any position. 

The valve self-centering body uses patented centering cams specifically for RK 86/ RK 86A which make installation easier and faster, reducing costs. 

Our RK non-return valves are ideal for liquids, gases and vapour applications.

Our solutions will help you to...

What are the features?

  • Safe operation in industrial plants
  • Compact design, short face-to-face dimensions for easier installation
  • Wide choice of materials to suit applications across many industrial fluids

Sales brochures (PRO)

Data sheets (DBL)

Installation and maintenance instructions (BAN)

Declaration of conformity (KFE)


CE-Produkt: BA; BAE; BB; BK; BW; CB; GK; MK; MPA; PA; RK; RKE; SZ; TK; UNA; VK; ZK



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