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Ball Float Steam Trap UNA 45 MAX, UNA 46 MAX, UNA 46A MAX PN 40/Class 300 DN 40, 50, 65

UNA 45 MAX, UNA 46 MAX and UNA 46A MAX are items of equipment for the steam process designed for the effective removal of condensate from steam. The ball float opens the orifice as a function of the liquid level. A rising level results in a proportional opening of the equipment. The max. discharge capacity depends on the size of the fully open orifice (O).

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Schwimmerkondensatableiter UNA 43 (PN 16/CL 125/JIS 10K), UNA 46 (PN 40/CL 150/CL 300/JIS 10K/JIS 20K)

Geräte der Typen UNA 43 und UNA 46 dienen bei dampfbeheizten Verbrauchern zum Ableiten von Kondensat aus Wasserdampf. Geräte des Typs UNA 43 können auch zum Ableiten von Kondensat aus Druckluft verwendet werden. Geräte der Typen UNA 46 können auch zum Ableiten von Kondensat aus anderen Gasen oder Gasgemischen verwendet werden.

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Ball Float Steam Trap UNA 43 PN 16/CL 125/JIS 10K UNA 46 PN 40/CL 150/CL 300/JIS 10K/JIS 20K DN 80, 100, 150, 3", 4", 6"

Steam traps type UNA 43 and UNA 46 are designed for draining condensate from steam systems. Steam traps type UNA 43 can also be used for removing condensate from compressed air systems. Steam traps type UNA 46 can also be used for removing condensate from gases or gas mixtures. The equipment must only be used within the allowable pressure and temperature limits and only if the chemical and corrosive influences on the equipment are taken into account.

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Purgeurs à flotteur UNA 43 (PN 16/CL 125/JIS 10K), UNA 46 (PN 40/CL 150/CL 300/JIS 10K/JIS 20K)

Les appareils des types UNA 43 et UNA 46 servent à évacuer le condensat provenant de la vapeur d’eau des appareils consommateurs chauffés par la vapeur. Les appareils du type UNA 43 peuvent être utilisés également pour évacuer le condensat provenant de l'air comprimé. Les appareils des types UNA 46 peuvent être utilisés également pour évacuer le condensat provenant d'autres gaz ou mélanges gazeux.

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Odwadniacz pływakowy UNA 47, DN 15, 20, 25, 40, 50 UNA 47 MAX, DN 40, 50 PN 63

Odwadniacze pływakowe typu UNA 47 i UNA 47 MAX służą do odprowadzania kondensatu z pary wodnej lub z innych gazów wzgl. mieszanin gazowych. Urządzenia z regulatorem SIMPLEX są przeznaczone przede wszystkim do zimnych kondensatów, zimnych destylatów i pary przegrzanej.

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浮球疏水阀 UNA 45, UNA 46, UNA 46A PN 40/Class 300 DN 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 65

UNA 45 型浮球疏水阀用于从水蒸汽或压缩空气 中排出冷凝水。 UNA 46 型和 UNA 46A 型浮球疏水阀用于从 水蒸汽或其他气体或气体混合物中排出冷凝水。 带控制单元 SIMPLEX 和 SIMPLEX-P 的设备通过 带滚球调节器的浮球控制。带有该控制单元的设 备尤其适用于冷态冷凝水和冷态蒸馏水。 对于控制单元 SIMPLEX-P,由丁腈橡胶® 制成 的浮球滚球。其保证了良好的贴合密封性。 带控制单元 DUPLEX 的设备额外用于系统排气。 该控制单元尤其适用于饱和蒸汽系统。控制单元 DUPLEX 包含带浮球和滚球调节器的浮球式控制 系统以及与温度有关的排气装置。

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Ball float steam trap UNA 43 (PN 16/CL 125/JIS 10K), UNA 46 (PN 40/CL 150/CL 300/JIS 10K/JIS 20K)

UNA 43-PS and UNA 46-PK is steam process equipment designed for the effective removal of condensate from steam systems. Steam traps type UNA 43 can also be used for removing condensate from compressed air systems. Steam traps type UNA 46 can also be used for removing condensate from gases or gas mixtures.

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Ball Float Trap UNA 14, PN 25, UNA 16 Carbon Steel, PN 40, UNA 16A Stainless Steel, PN 40 DN 15, 20, 25

UNA 14, UNA 16, UNA 16A are ball float steam traps with rolling ball valve. The steam traps can be used for all operating conditions, as they are unaffected by back pressure. They consist of a body with bolted cover and a control unit. The control unit is freely accessible after removing the cover. It can be completely replaced without having to remove the valve body from the line.

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Pump Trap UNA 25-PK, PN 40, DN 40 Condensate Lifter UNA 25-PS, PN 40, DN 40

UNA 25-PS and UNA 25-PK is steam process equipment designed for the effective removal of condensate from steam. Condensate is discharged by means of motive steam. The equipment can therefore remove condensate even if the steam pressure is so low that conventional steam traps could no longer discharge condensate. Equipment type UNA 25-PS works as cyclic condensate lifter without valve closure. In this case the upstream pressure must be lower than the back pressure. Equipment type UNA 25-PK works in pumping mode as cyclic condensate lifter with rolling ball valve closure. If there is (enough) differential pressure, this type of equipment will also work as modulating steam trap.

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浮球疏水阀 UNA 45 MAX, UNA 46 MAX, UNA 46A MAX PN 40/Class 300 DN 40, 50, 65

UNA 45 MAX、UNA 46 MAX 和 UNA 46A MAX 用于从蒸汽加热式设备的水蒸汽中排出冷冷凝水。 浮球根据液位操控导孔的开度。由此调节排水量。 达到最大开度时,排水量取决于所安装导孔 (AO) 的直径。 若浮球在液位升高时被抬起,则首先喷嘴阀针从先 导阀中被拔出。 因此,少量介质流过先导阀。 控制单元的波纹管被介质压到一起。导孔由此完 全打开。

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