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Showing 241-250 of 291 results

Inverted Bucket Steam Trap IB 16A-7

Steam trap made from stainless steel, with integral spiral wound gasket, suitable for fitting to a universal (“Swivel”) connector. The inverted bucket steam trap is very robust, unaffected by corrosion and has an excellent ability to handle dirt. The orifice, which is located in the upper part of the body, is controlled by the vertical movement of the inverted bucket. Air is vented through the small hole in the top of the inverted bucket.

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Steam Trap BK 27N PN 40 and 63, DN 50 (40) 2" (1½")

Thermostatic steam trap with corrosion-resistant thermostatic element (Duo stainless steel bimetallic regulator, externally adjustable) unaffected by waterhammer. With internal Y-type strainer, integrated non-return valve and asbestos-free cover gasket (graphite). Installation in any position. The default factory setting allows the steam trap to discharge condensate with virtually no banking-up. For more undercooling the settings of the installed, depressurized steam trap can be modified externally.

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Поплавковые конденсатоотводчики с функцией насоса UNA 25-PK и UNA 25-PS

Поплавковые конденсатоотводчики с автоматизированными насосами обеспечивают гарантированное удаление конденсата при пониженном давлении пара или высоком противодавлении в регулируемых и особых теплообменниках пластинчатого типа при крупных колебаниях нагрузки и дренаже вакуумных систем. 



United Kingdom (English)

Steam Traps STERIline® SMK 22-81, SMK 22-82 Suitable for clamp connections to DIN 32676, for pipes to DIN 11866 (DIN 11850, ISO 1127, ASME-BPE) PN 10

The thermostatic steam trap features minimum stagnant area and a corrosion-resistant membrane regulator unaffected by waterhammer. Used for discharging condensate and air-venting steam in sterile and aseptic applications. The membrane regulator with rolling ball features a selfcentering valve cone that can move freely, thereby ensuring steam-tight shut-off unaffected by dirt particles. High response sensitivity thanks to small dimensions of the regulator (evaporation thermostat). Automatic air-venting and discharge of condensate without any banking-up within the whole pressure / temperature range. The opening temperature is approximately 5 K below the boiling point.

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Scaricatori di condensa a galleggiante UNA

Adatti per scambiatori di calore regolati a vapore, impianti per vuoto, cilindri essiccatori, essiccatori per vapore e impianti con pressioni d’esercizio o differenziali molto basse, gli scaricatori di condensa a galleggiante GESTRA rimuovono la condensa da vapore, condensa fredda e distillati.



United Kingdom (English)

Purgeurs de condensat à flotteur fermé UNA

Adaptés aux échangeurs de chaleur régulés par la vapeur, aux systèmes sous vide, aux cylindres sécheurs, aux asécheurs de vapeur et aux installations avec des pressions de fonctionnement ou des pressions différentielles très basses, les purgeurs de condensat à flotteur fermé de GESTRA éliminent le condensat de la vapeur, le condensat froid et les distillats.




UNA ball float steam trap

Suited to steam-regulated heat exchangers, vacuum systems, drying cylinders, steam driers and systems with very low operating or differential pressures, GESTRA's ball float steam traps remove condensate from steam, cold condensate and distillates.




United Kingdom

Virtauksenosoittimet Vaposkop® VK 14, VK 16

Gestra Vaposkop®-virtauksenosoittimen avulla voidaan tarkkailla putkistossa kulkevan aineen läpivirtausta. Asennettuna putkilinjaan virtaussuunnassa ennen lauhteenpoistinta laitteella voidaan tarkastaa lauhteenpoistimen toimivuus. Vaposkop®-virtauksenosoittimesta näkee, toimiiko lauhteenpoistin vai muodostuuko linjaan lauhdetta tai höyryhäviötä.

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Steam Trap UBK 46 PN 40 DN 15, 20, 25 (½", ¾", 1")

Thermostatic/thermodynamic steam trap (for banking-up condensate) with adjustable discharge temperature. Flash steam is avoided. Specially designed to discharge condensate at the adjusted constant discharge temperature. Design: With corrosion-resistant Thermovit regulator (made from Duo stainless steel) unaffacted by waterhammer and Y-type large-surface strainer. Main application: Steam heated tracing systems.

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Válvulas de control GCV de GESTRA Soluciones de control de vapor y condensado

Diseñada para satisfacer las demandas de las industrias actuales, la válvula de control GCV de GESTRA es robusta, innovadora y con buena relación costo rendimiento.

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