Thermostatic steam trap with membrane regulator and integral strainer. Corrosion-resistant thermostatic capsule unaffected by waterhammer. Asbestos-free cover gasket (graphite/CrNi). Installation in any position.
Gli scaricatori di condensa a galleggiante con funzione di pompaggio automatico assicurano lo scarico della condensa con pressione del vapore ridotta o contropressione alta, per scambiatori di calore a piastre speciali e regolati con grandi fluttuazioni di carico e drenaggio di impianti per vuoto.
/global/it-GES/products/steam-traps/una-25-pk-and-una-25-ps-ball-float-steam-traps-with-pump-functionAdequado para permutadores de calor regulados por vapor, sistemas de vácuo, cilindros de secagem, secadores de vapor e sistemas com pressões diferenciais ou de funcionamento muito baixas, os purgadores de vapor de bóia da GESTRA removem condensado de vapor, condensado frio e destilados.
/global/pt-PT/products/steam-traps/una-ball-float-steam-trapDie Kugelschwimmerkondensatableiter von GESTRA eignen sich bestens für dampfregulierte Wärmetauscher, Vakuumanlagen, Trockenzylinder, Dampfentlüfter und Anlagen mit besonders niedrigem Betriebs- oder Differenzdruck. Sie leiten Kondensat zuverlässig aus Dampf, Kaltkondensat und Destillat ab.
Suited to steam-regulated heat exchangers, vacuum systems, drying cylinders, steam driers and systems with very low operating or differential pressures, GESTRA's ball float steam trap remove condensate from steam, cold condensate and distillates.
/global/en-SG/products/steam-traps/una-ball-float-steam-trap자동 펌프 기능이 있는 볼 플로트 스팀트랩은 진공 시스템의 배수나 큰 부하 변동이 있는 규제형 및 특수 판형 열교환기에 대해 스팀 압력 감소 하거나 조절을 위한 높은 배압에서의 응축수 배출을 보장합니다.
/global/ko-KR/products/steam-traps/una-25-pk-ps-ball-float-steam-traps-with-pump-functionSteam traps with thermostatic pilot control for high capacities. Corrosion-resistant thermostatic capsules unaffected by waterhammer. With external adjustment device to limit the main valve lift or to ensure a minimum condensate flowrate.
Thermostatic steam trap with corrosion resistant thermostatic capsule (membrane regulator) unaffected by waterhammer. With integral strainer. Asbestos-free cover gasket (graphite/CrNi). Installation in any position.
GESTRA 设计制造的浮球式疏水阀可从蒸汽、冷态冷凝水和蒸馏物中排出冷凝水,适用于蒸汽调节的热交换器、真空系统、干燥滚筒、蒸汽干燥器和具有极低工作压力或压差的系统。
Odpowiednie do sterowanych parą wymienników ciepła, instalacji próżniowych, zbiorników suszących, suszarek i instalacji parowych o bardzo niskim ciśnieniu roboczym i różnicowym, odwadniacze pływakowe GESTRA umożliwiają odprowadzanie kondensatu z pary, zimnego kondensatu i destylatów.